Publisher: Sega
Released: 1989
Poseidon Wars 3-D is a navel-based shooting game that uses the SegaScope 3-D Glasses.
+ Has just enough enemy variety to keep you invested, and the optional 2D mode opens up the game to all players.+ Can choose the order you tackle most missions, which is excellent for those struggling to beat a tricky stage.
+ Your cannon weapon has a nice progression system whereby it gets stronger as you complete your mission objectives.
+ Graphics are fantastic with water-based parallax scrolling and effective 3D, particularly in the mission briefing section.
- Gameplay is rather limited and doesn't enhance the formula found in the opening stages, meaning its appeal is short-lived.
- Can be incredibly tricky to spot airborne enemies during nighttime battles due to the overly dark sky.
- Reticle has an annoying tendency to automatically re-centre itself towards the horizon, leaving you out of position to fire.

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