Publisher: Bandai
Released: 1986
Chubby Cherub is an action game and one of the first third-party titles released on the NES.
+ Features simple, Arcade-style fun, secret levels to uncover, as well as bonus points for meeting unique stage objectives.+ Flying depletes your power metre quicker than walking, so careful management of your surroundings is always required.
+ Food items vary in point and power metre increase amounts, so there's risk-reward in grabbing them while avoiding foes.
- Enemies can shoot farther than you, so trying to get in their path for a shot is perilous and trickier than it needs to be.
- Collision detection is extremely suspect, both in terms of item collection and attempting to shoot incoming enemies.
- Boss battles occur every three stages, but they're a weak excuse for variety, as they require the same tactics every time.
- There's only one music track in the entire game, which becomes painfully repetitious after the first few loops.

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