Publisher: Arena Entertainment
Released: 1993
Mortal Kombat is a 1992 Arcade title that was also ported to the Sega Master System (1993).
+ Endurance rounds against two characters spice up the gameplay and force you to change your strategy on a whim.+ Each character has their own unique end screen, which is a great incentive to beat the game multiple times.
- Kano isn't available as a playable character, and there's only two stages which makes the combat feel repetitive.
- The pit death fatality is entirely absent, which is a major feature of the Arcade game that gave it its gory edge.
- Frame-rate is poor and the controls are unresponsive, meaning that executing attacks and fatalities is often pot-luck.
- Collision detection is dreadful and your character will regularly make contact with an opponent to no effect.
- Reduced screen real estate vs. the SMS version means little distance control, as well as concealed stage backgrounds.

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