Publisher: Sammy Corporation
Released: 1990
Ninja Crusaders is an action game that's exclusive to Nintendo's 8-bit home console.
+ Excellent level design that provides you with multiple routes to tackle certain areas, including above ground / underwater.+ Weapons strike the perfect risk-reward balance, as long-range attacks are weak but safe, while staffs are powerful but risky.
+ Each weapon has a secondary ability of transforming you into a creature, opening up the ways you can plan your strategy.
+ 2P co-op works brilliantly and unlike solo mode (which restarts the level) the game respawns you in the same position.
- Content is anaemic with only five stages (featuring 2-3 acts each), and some bosses can easily be spammed with the Bo.
- To transform into a creature, you need to hold down the button for two seconds which isn't ideal in the heat of battle.
- Occasional issues with collision detection and the music is a real mixed bag due to some awful high-pitched melodies.

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