Publisher: EA Games
Released: 2000
Medal of Honor: Underground is a first-person shooter and the follow-up to 1999's Medal of Honor (Sony PlayStation).
+ Objectives are varied, and the level design is beautifully crafted while evoking claustrophobia and paranoia.+ Missions grow in grandeur, including a riveting downhill escape and tense battles inside moving trains.
+ Spotting an enemy tank is genuinely terrifying and managing to defeat it with swift manoeuvring is rewarding.
+ Ammo is admittedly scarce, but the conservation aspect adds a survival element that deepens the gameplay tension.
+ Sound design is enthralling and hooks you in deeper with its cinematic music, ambient noises and enemy screams.
- Game world is too dark, there's lots of screen tearing, and the frame-rate dips to single-digits when enemies appear.
- Head shots don't always result in a kill, and bullets sometimes do zero damage despite clearly hitting a foe.

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