Publisher: Virgin Games
Released: 1992
Chuck Rock is an action-platformer that was released on numerous systems including the Sega Genesis (1991).
+ Gameplay is a solid representation of the original, with decent level design that offers multiple routes to explore.+ Has some clever rock uses, such as being able to carry a boulder above your head to protect against volcanic eruptions.
+ Combining rocks to reach otherwise inaccessible areas is a great idea, and the title screen music is terrific.
- However, the rest of the game has no music and the scenically-pleasing backdrops are replaced by pure black throughout.
- Rock throwing has more of an arch compared to the 16-bit version and unless you're quick you'll miss the intended target.
- Slight delay when pressing a button before the action will activate and a few areas annoy with cheap hits.
- Hard to control Chuck underwater and it can be tricky to accurately judge spatial distance due to his short attack range.

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