Publisher: Sega of America
Released: 1987
Zillion is an action-adventure game that's exclusive to Sega's 8-bit console.
+ Game world is gigantic with brilliant level design, and finding key cards to disable lasers and sensors is rewarding.+ Each room is basically a mini puzzle and working out the best approach to safely escape is a big part of the appeal.
+ Allows you to rescue and play as new characters that can be individually powered-up to improve their unique skills.
+ Instead of using the console pause button to bring up the status screen, you can press 1 or 2 on a second controller.
- Action is very repetitive and despite the game's length there's unfortunately no way to save your progress.
- Constant need to write down symbol combinations can be draining and breaks up the flow of the gameplay.
- After using a continue, you can immediately find yourself being shot by an enemy before having time to react.

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