Sunday, 9 March 2025

Marksman Shooting / Trap Shooting / Safari Hunt (Sega Master System review)

Developer: Sega Enterprises, Ltd.
Publisher: Sega Enterprises, Ltd.
Released: 1987

Marksman Shooting / Trap Shooting / Safari Hunt is a light-gun compilation that requires the Sega Light Phaser.

+ Marksman Shooting's gun accuracy is superb and it's fun working out the most pressing target to hit before it disappears.

+ Safari Hunt's three unique areas have crafty ideas including fish that jump out of water and animals that hide behind trees.

+ Trap Shooting features different backdrops and a neat scoring system depending on how far away you shoot the target.

- After a handful of rounds in Marksman Shooting, you've seen everything and the target speed doesn't continue to accelerate.

- Marksman Shooting could have used some friendly targets or alternate locales to add variety and ease monotony.

- Hit box in Safari Hunt and Trap Shooting is small and there's no visual indication of how far your shots missed target.

- Overall, the compilation has little personality or playfulness when compared to Nintendo's Duck Hunt (1985, NES).

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